Bringing Home Frankie: The Tale of Our First Puppy Adventure!

Bringing Home Frankie: The Tale of Our First Puppy Adventure!

Hey there, fellow dog lovers and puppy enthusiasts! Today, I'm thrilled to share our heartwarming journey of picking up our little furball, Frankie. Whether you're an experienced dog parent or embarking on the adventure of puppy parenthood for the first time, we hope our story and tips can help you prepare for that special day when you meet your four-legged bundle of joy.

The Perfect Surprise:

We'd eagerly joined the waitlist for a long-haired cream puppy from the amazing Dreamheart Dachshunds in Pensacola. As we filled out all the paperwork, an unexpected text lit up our day. A brand new litter had just arrived, and one little girl was waiting for us to claim her. Here's the twist—she was a dapple! We'd always had a soft spot for dapples, and right away, my husband Colin and I exchanged knowing glances. If we asked for a picture, we knew there was a good chance we'd fall head over paws in love.

Love at First Sight:

Fast forward six weeks, and we were in the car, eagerly heading to pick up our precious pup on the day she turned 8 weeks old. Our journey covered seven hours, all the way from where we picked her up to our home in St. Petersburg. Our car was packed to the brim with toys, food, blankets, bins, and everything we could possibly think of to make her feel at home.

As we arrived at Dreamheart Dachshunds, a sign by the door kindly requested us to text instead of knocking, so as not to disturb any sleeping babies or dogs. My husband Colin was a bundle of nerves, and he took a step back, practically begging me to go first after we sent the arrival text. Questions raced through our minds - What if we didn't recognize her? What if she didn't like us? Taking her away from her mom and siblings felt bittersweet.

The Moment We Met Frankie:

We were greeted by an adorable three-year-old and a beautiful cream dachshund named Skye. But the real magic happened when we walked into the living room. There, a joyful pile of furry cuteness with various colors and the sweetest whimpers and playful pawing awaited us. The second we laid eyes on her, we knew she was ours. Frankie had this unique hourglass marking on her face that made our hearts skip a beat. Love at first sight? Absolutely!

We chatted with the breeder as we completed the paperwork, and then it was time to take our baby girl home. The breeder assured us we'd be just fine and that we were about to take Frankie outside for the very first time. They wished us well and told us to reach out if we needed anything. With Frankie in our arms, we were off to start this incredible journey.

man in green shirt holding a small black and cream mini dachshund puppy

Tips for Meeting Your Pup for the First Time:

Now, let's talk about what to expect and how to make the experience as smooth as possible, especially if you're first-time puppy parents like us.

Home Puppy-Proofing:

Before you've safely returned home with your new pup, remember to puppy-proof your space by securing cords and potential hazards. Puppies are known for their enthusiastic chewing, and they'll explore everything in sight, including your iphone charges laying on the floor.

We also removed all of our rugs from the living room where she spends most of her time during the day.

1. Keep Calm and Puppy On: Frankie was calm throughout the entire road trip, likely a mix of nerves and anxiety. She sat right in our arms, or wrapped around my neck providing the sweetest puppy cuddles.

woman holding a small black and cream dapple mini dachshund puppy

2. Scheduled Stops: We made sure to stop every two hours at rest areas, but Frankie didn't pee, poop, or eat during those breaks. When we set her down to pee, she was on a trusty pee pad, which we had started with throwaways but quickly switched to reusable ones.

a black and cream miniature dapple dachshund puppy sitting on a pad in some grass

Our Must-Have List:

We didn't need a ton of supplies during our journey, but the essentials were invaluable. Here's our must-have list:

Portable Water Bottle with Food Container: This combo was a lifesaver, ensuring Frankie had access to water and food on the go.

Pee Pads: These saved the day, providing a clean and comfortable spot for Frankie. *We bought throw aways but quickly changed to reusable because they can still smell the scent of pee after they are washed so it's better for training them.


Puppy Wipes: Perfect for quick clean-ups during the trip.

Cozy Blanket: A familiar and warm blanket helped keep Frankie snug and feeling safe during the drive.


a tiny black and cream mini dapple dachshund puppy sitting on a cozy tan furry blanket 

Treasure Every Moment:

While it's essential to prepare and plan for your puppy's arrival, don't forget to be present and soak in all the delightful puppy scents, cuddles, and moments. Our little Frankie is now nearly 11 weeks old, and she's already transformed into a different, but equally amazing, puppy since we first brought her home.

So, there you have it, our adventure of meeting Frankie for the first time and bringing her into our hearts and home. Whether you're a seasoned dog parent or just starting your journey, the love and joy a puppy brings are timeless. Enjoy every moment, and embrace the incredible bond that awaits you and your new four-legged family member. Stay tuned for more adventures with Frankie, and feel free to ask any questions or share your stories with us! 💕🐾🐶

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